If you decide to make repairs, then you probably already understand that this is a very profitable contribution of funds that will provide you not only comfort, but also prestige, as well as self -confidence.
In order for your contribution not to disappear in vain, you need to combine convenience and style in the future project.
Moreover, even if you see that a thought -out project does not create the desired picture, you can still fix it. With the help of lighting! Let’s talk about the lighting of the living room – a room that is designed to create the impression of the confidence and success of the whole house.
It is better to illuminate the living room according to its functions. This means. That certain zones will be very profitable: dining, guest, entertaining (depending on what exactly the room is). But do not forget that this room is whole and must certainly remain so. This means that general lighting and local, as if complementing it, will be well combined. If you do not like a lot of light, then the lighting of the main (that is, guest) zone can serve as a common lighting. Place a beautiful chandelier with several plafones here and provide the opportunity to turn on these plafones separately. In other zones, place several elements of spot lighting.
The lighting of individual objects, for example, the illumination of a window or window sill, a large floor pot with a flower or a hill, looks very interesting. In the entertainment zone, you can place an original decor element (sheep’s skin on the wall, for example, or a picture) and perform its backlight with diodes or lamps. The cost is only to remember that beauty should not create inconvenience, that is, all light sources should be located so as not to cut the eyes with excessive brightness, not to create “blind” zones.