Before the developer is ready to buy and install the drainage gutter, he needs to decide on the type of drainage and the material of its manufacturing necessary for him. According to the material, you can determine the relative roughness of the surface, on which the maximum throughput of the gutter and the important fact will depend – how often the fallen leaves will be stuck in it and the garbage will accumulate. The lower this coefficient, the better.
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The lowest roughness is possessed by plastic pipes made of polyvinyl chloride – approximately seven thousands of millimeters, the highest coefficient in steel and galvanized products is one and a half millimeters.
Pipes should have a certain resistance to fading. The gutter fades due to constant contact with the air, moisture and residues of vegetation that have filled during operation. The most exposed to such erosion copper and steel products. One of the most important characteristics of the gutters is their strength and durability: the most durable – steel products, the worst indicators in plastic. Copper gutters are considered durable, the guarantee for their operation exceeds three hundred years.