As in every kitchen and in the bathroom, there must be a ventilation system. Usually it is entered into the project of the house and is done at the stage of the construction of the building. There are also cases when such a ventilation system simply does not cope with its main task – ventilation of the room and ensuring air exchange. You can check the efficiency of ventilation using simple observations: if condensate appears on ceramic tiles or ceiling, this means that ventilation does not work well enough, and the humidity in the room is quite high. The absence of a normal ventilation system will not only affect the decoration of the bathroom, but will also significantly reduce the life of furniture, shelves, etc. D. Before continuing the topic, we want to ask if you want your at home a beautiful panel made of marble? If you want, then right now, click on the link that we indicated and buy everything you need to create it. Act, and we continue. There is another way to check the current ventilation and the need to establish additional. To do this, you will need to bring a burning match to the ventilation grille. The displacement of the angle of tilt of the flame to 45 degrees is considered permissible (if the flame has deviated more strongly, then it is worth thinking about the installation of additional ventilation). Consider the procedure for the actions of such work. Start the manufacture of ventilation. One of the easiest ways to get rid of condensate is to provide a crack under the door to the room (it should be about 2 cm). In most cases, such measures will help restore air exchange in the bathroom and protect furniture from excessive humidity.