Before starting the choice of tiles for the bathroom in the store, find out more about the bath, because it is worth remembering that not every tile is suitable. Tiles designed for decoration of rooms with high humidity should have the following properties: water resistance, resistance to steam, various salts and other harmful substances. First of all, this is advisable, because there probably is no need to purchase tiles resistant to frost (this is suitable for decoration of open platforms), or use slippery polished tiles for flooring.
The best option for the bathroom will be tiles with low porosity, but with high hardness. After you determine such a tile, the next step will be the choice of color scheme and pattern. It is already inappropriate to give any advice here, your choice will depend exclusively on personal preferences, or, possibly, a design project of the bathroom.
It will not be superfluous to recall that for the bathroom, more ceramic tiles are preferable than, for example, for a bathroom. This is due to the fact that in this way the smaller seams are achieved, which can become a hassle of the fungus and lead to rapid wear of the cladding.