There are a lot of glass decoration methods. Everyone can turn ordinary glass into a work of art. We draw our attention to the methods that give the most spectacular results. Glass yarn method. For it, glass threads are used by winding on glass products. Usually a processed item is transparent or color. Threads can be betrayed by any shape, from mesh to complex pattern.
Ice glass. The hot glass is placed in cold water, and due to a sharp temperature difference, small cracks are formed on its surface. Products are blown out of the cooled and red -hot glass.
Method of “multilayer glass”. The workpiece alternately lowers into molten glass of different colors, then grinds with grinding. This method is considered one of the most difficult.
Mosaic glass. Multi -colored glasses of glass are soldered together in special furnaces.
Glass painting is one of the most common and sought -after methods of decorative glass processing. Consists in applying the pattern on the glass with opaque colors. Without further firing, the method is cold, and with firing (and modification of the picture) – hot.
Glaze. If the pattern is applied with silver – the color will turn out more as gold, and if copper, the output will be black or red.
The mother -of -pearl radiance.
Gilding is used mainly to decorate dishes. The bottom line is to melt the thin foil between the glass layers. Sometimes drawings are added to this oxide nitrogen.
Another way is to etch (or, in another way, satin). You can etch the entire product, but you can – only the drawing.
Mating. Sand processing is performed by jets of granular sand. In part, the method is similar to etching, only the surface will not be smooth, but rough.