Quite often there is a need to restore the paintwork. In the event that the flaws are minimal, then the varnish is removed in these places. To do this, you can use chemical compositions. At the same time, you should worry about the means of protection. Then these areas must be treated with sandpaper, as well as a solvent. After that, the surface should be covered with putty, and also let it dry. This will take about two days. Then you need to sand the surface again, and also cover the surface with varnish. The second layer can only be applied after a day.
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If the defects occupy a significant part of the surface, then you will have to remove all the paintwork. In order to do this, you can use special compositions. In some cases, the thermal method is also possible.
After the varnish is completely removed, it is necessary to cover the entire surface with putty. After some time, when this layer dries, a primer layer is applied to the products. As soon as it dries, you can proceed to varnish coating. To apply it, you can use a brush or another tool. This procedure after some time must be repeated.