The foundation is the basis of buildings and it is with its construction that the construction of any building begins. Having built a reliable and strong base, we provide reliability and safety to the whole house. The foundation holds the weight of the entire structure and helps evenly distribute the load. This is his main task. The main requirement for the foundation is reliable. The foundation, as part of the house, should never settle, allow cracking or pumping. Before considering in detail how and from what the foundation is made, it is worth analyzing its main varieties. To date, several main types of construction technologies, its use and reliability are distinguished. We will allocate two main ones from them:- Pile foundations.- Founded, having a natural basis. And in turn, they are divided into: strip or columnar, slab (depending on the soil and methods of support).This is a fairly simplified classification for foundations and there are still dozens of their subspecies. Due to such a variety, sometimes it is very difficult to choose the necessary. Pile foundations are used at such construction sites where a very unstable base. In most cases, pile foundations are equipped in sandy or marshy areas. But the foundations that have a natural basis are used in all other cases. Obviously, they are much cheaper than piles, because there is no need to carry out additional work and use special equipment. Continuation Read in the next article.