Any day for any person begins with a bathroom, so I want to wash myself and finally refresh before work in the disposable conditions. Bathroom layout is an unusual and very serious side of each repair. Manufacturers are in a hurry to offer a great many types of baths and washbasins, materials for cladding for any client. Therefore, in order not to be confused in this rich assortment, it makes sense to decide first of all what exactly you would like to get from the bathroom. In the case when you need to see, finally, significantly more space in small space, you can recall the shower cabins, the manufacture of which many manufacturers are engaged in all kinds of materials and with the greatest “bouquet” of various purposes. In the case when there is no difficulty with the place, it should be remembered that plumbing is not only an interesting appearance, but also excellent reliability, so you can not worry about repairs in the bathroom for a long time. A separate interest in the design of the room with which the day begins, you need to address the facing materials. If the design of the walls at first aesthetic attractiveness matters, then such features are also very important for floor decoration as, in particular, resistance and quality. Moreover, finishing materials for the floor, it is preferably not to slide, because I do not want to fall and hit, leaving the bath. The best material for facing surfaces in the bathroom is considered porcelain stoneware – such a building material is resistant to physical and chemical actions, does not absorb moisture and is quite hygienic.