Before starting to carry out various finishing work, it is necessary to prepare the surface. When repairing office premises, the surfaces are first cleaned, and then covered with a primer. These procedures are designed to avoid unpleasant consequences at the end of the repair. That is, so that there are no cracks on the plaster, or the wallpaper does not stick up and do not move away from the surface of the wall. Therefore, you should not save when carrying out repair work on the primer. Perform all the details of the primer efficiently, because in the future the final result of your work depends on this in the future. If you have to do repairs for the first time, and you have never encountered primer questions before, then you should first decide on the type of primer. After all, there are several.
Most consumers value the primer most of all, which is made abroad. The primer of Russian production is inferior in many respects both in quality and in cost. However, you can always find a middle ground. Everyone chooses from their personal preferences. By the type of consistency, the primer is divided into two types: in the form of a mixture, and in the form of a liquid.
About how to prepare the desired solution and in what proportions and what to add there, you can read in the instructions. Also try to pay attention to the type of surface that you will primer. And take into account the climatic atmosphere of this room. It is best to apply a primer in two layers. Give each layer two hours to completely dry.