Linoleum today is considered as one of the most popular and ordinary coverage for the floor. Due to modern technologies, this material today has acquired quite a lot of qualities, which he did not have before. Now on the market you can find both natural linoleum and based on PVC.
The difference can already be understood by the same name of these types of linoleum. Natural contains only those components that have a natural origin. For example, due to linseed oil, linoleum acquires bactericidal properties that remain throughout the entire period of its use.
How durable linoleum will be, and how long it will last, depends on the presence or absence of a special basis for it. The so -called main linoleum serves much longer, although its cost is noticeably higher. Unlessic linoleum is much cheaper, but its operational characteristics are low.
Linoleum, for the production of which polyvinyl chloride is used, differs in that, contrary to the opinion, it cannot harm people using it. The basis of such a floor covering is fiberglass, flooded on both sides using PVC. This linoleum also has several varieties.