Before starting repair work, it is necessary to analyze and identify the nature of the faults. As a rule, after identifying the problem, the necessary measures are taken. Diagnosis is an important part of planned service. It allows you to determine the operating parameters of the equipment with maximum accuracy, check the condition of the energy generators and in time to identify all the problems that will most likely lead to breakdown of the generator. It also includes work such as complex testing of the station under any load mode, automation checking, exhaust system defects, and compression measurement in the engine.
There is no particular difference between a gasoline is a power plant or diesel, a number of general laws allows you to simplify and significantly accelerate the identification of malfunctions. The main difficulties associated with the operation of the engine and requiring repair of power plants are usually associated with the fuel system and the gas distribution mechanism. Difficulties in starting, excess fuel, the color of exhaust smoke (black or white) does not develop sufficient power, all this has one and serious reason.
The quality of fuel, the operation of fuel pumping pumps, the accuracy of the fuel supply angles and the timeliness of the ignition, the condition of fuel and air filters, spark plugs, nozzles. Valves adjustment, distribution shaft work. The state of the lubrication and cooling system, the breakdown in which is reflected in the work of the station, here is a short list of the main problems, which is paid attention to when conducting diagnostics.