To radically change the interior of the house, it is enough to introduce several elements of animal motives into it. Here, skins, stuffeds, hooves, horns, and hunting trophies of animals are used as accessories. There are both original accessories that were removed from the real animal and imitated details, which are very similar to natural.
African flavor is the most animal type of decor. There are colorful animal skins, among them: Zebra, Leopard, Tiger. There may also be a bison wool, crocodiles skin, snake skin. Among African nature you can find many ideas for the interior of the house.
The English colonial style was formed at the junction of classics and many cultural traditions. This style is characterized by classics, bright ethnic elements, exotic stuffed animals and hunting trophies. It is suitable for those who want to emphasize their gambling nature and traction to travel.
Scandinavian nature is very specific. More calm colors prevail here: white, gray, yellowish, sand shades. This style helps to find a balance between animal aesthetics and tranquility.
In the interior of the hunting house there is a home, modest and wild atmosphere. It contains stuffed animals, skins, horns along with modern technologies.